
Messages of support for the Irish Brain Council:

“For a country of its size, Ireland punches well above its weight in terms of the number of world class neuroscientists it has produced.  Only with proper advocacy and outreach will the public and policy makers be alerted to their outstanding work which takes place at all levels of neuroscience, from cells to cognition, and which is of conceptual and translational importance. With adequate funding and research infrastructures I have no doubt that such significant contributions could be made in Ireland rather than abroad. There is an urgent need for an organisation that will act as a common voice for all aspects of brain research in Ireland. The establishment of the Irish Brain Council represents a significant step in this direction, and I strongly support this initiative.”

Prof Eleanor Maguire, University College London.

“The creation of an umbrella group that will advocate for the importance of brain research and the public dissemination of knowledge on brain function and dysfunction is very welcome. Advocacy on all aspects of neuroscience is important given the role that healthy brain function plays in the health and prosperity of a nation and to garner support to treat and support those with impairment.  I wish you great success with this new endeavour.”

Prof Hugh Garavan, University of Vermont.

“In an ever ageing population, the issues that neuroscience addresses have become increasingly important in Western societies. Ireland has produced many world-class neuroscientists who have spread throughout the world performing important, ground-breaking research. Improved research funding and infrastructure would help attract these scientists back to Ireland, further enhancing the neuroscience research environment and establishing the country as key neuroscience hub. Establishment of the Irish Brain Council to promote and advocate neuroscience research is a key step in achieving this important goal.”

Dr Kevin Murphy, CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff University.